Reading and literacy

Our diagnostic assessments help to identify reading and literacy support needs across the school, informing interventions and tracking progress over time. Currently over 300,000 students in Australia have English as an additional language and require English language support in schools. We provide you with the data you need to differentiate teaching and learning practices, setting realistic yet ambitious goals for all your students.
How can we help
  • Establish your students’ reading and comprehension skills - New Group Reading Test (NGRT)
  • Assess your students’ spelling and identify common mistakes and progress over time - New Group Spelling Test (NGST)
  • Identify EAL students and those struggling with their literacy in order to intervene early and aid their success - Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4)
  • Provide an in-depth analysis of a student’s reading ability, to help you establish personalised learning plans - YARC Australia
With NGRT we had a test that we could deliver to all students. It allowed testing across the whole cohort, and helped us to identify students that we might otherwise have missed.

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